United Education Fund Grants
The United Education Foundation (UEF) is once again sponsoring a Mini-Grant Program for the 2024-2025 school year. Mini-grants may be written in any academic area including, but not limited to, science, language arts, mathematics, health/physical education, fine arts, technology, and distance learning.
The purpose of the Mini-Grant Program is to encourage the development of innovative classroom or school-based curricular/instructional projects that will impact student learning. Mini-grants may be submitted by a single teacher or by a subject-area or grade-level team. The maximum award for each grant proposal selected will be $300. This amount may be awarded as a single project or as multiple awards.
The mini-grant proposals will be judged using the following criteria:
•Meeting identified needs of students
•Actively involving students in learning
•Addressing state/district learning standards
•Extending, enriching, or enhancing the "regular" program
•Making learning fun
Proposals must be received on or before FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. Proposals received after that date/time will not be considered. An application for proposal can also be found on the Foundation’s website: http://uefqc.org/index.php. Completed proposals will only be accepted through the Google form.
Fill out the Google form here!
Funded mini-grant projects will be announced on Friday, October 18, with a celebration on Monday October 28, at 4:00 p.m. Materials for projects may be ordered after October 28, 2024, allowing those projects to be implemented during the 2024-2025 school year.
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Jay Morrow at 309-752-1611, or jmorrow@uths.net.